But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 19:14)

Sunday School (Ages 2-11)
Sundays @ 10am in the Educational Building
Our classes are designed to present the love of Jesus to kids through Biblical lessons, songs, and games that allow them to make friends in a small group, facilitate age-appropriate learning, and foster a love of God's Word!
There is no Sunday School on the Fourth Sunday (Family Sunday--all classes, except Toddler Class, participate in the main service). On the Fifth Sunday, there is Kids Church, where all classes (except the Toddler Class, which operates as usual) come together.
Sunday School Directors: Dahnaelle Crofton & Sherita Anderson
Contact: sundayschool@powh.org
Our classes are designed to present the love of Jesus to kids through Biblical lessons, songs, and games that allow them to make friends in a small group, facilitate age-appropriate learning, and foster a love of God's Word!
- Toddler (Ages 2-3)
- Kinder (Ages 4-5)
- Early Elementary (1st & 2nd Grade)
- Late Elementary (3rd & 4th Grade)
- Preteen (5th & 6th Grade)
- This age group starts in the Sanctuary and is dismissed to their class after Praise & Worship.
- Ages 12+ join in the Sunday Morning Service.
There is no Sunday School on the Fourth Sunday (Family Sunday--all classes, except Toddler Class, participate in the main service). On the Fifth Sunday, there is Kids Church, where all classes (except the Toddler Class, which operates as usual) come together.
Sunday School Directors: Dahnaelle Crofton & Sherita Anderson
Contact: sundayschool@powh.org
Wednesday Night Blast (Kinder-5th Grade)
Wednesday Nights, dismissed after Praise & Worship
Our Wednesday Night Blast Class combines scriptural teaching, games and crafts to allow kids to form friendships while learning about God's Love and furthering Biblical knowledge!
Blast Coordinator: Kirk Teelucksingh
Contact: info@powh.org
Our Wednesday Night Blast Class combines scriptural teaching, games and crafts to allow kids to form friendships while learning about God's Love and furthering Biblical knowledge!
Blast Coordinator: Kirk Teelucksingh
Contact: info@powh.org
4:12 Student Ministries (6th-12th Grade)
Don’t let anyone belittle you because you are young. Instead, show the faithful, young and old, an example of how to live: set the standard for how to talk, act, love, and be faithful and pure. (1 Timothy 4:12, VOICE)
Join us as we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world! We don't just talk the talk; we want a walk with God to back it up! We know that a three stranded cord is not easily broken, so we strive to be in one mind and one accord with each other and our Lord Jesus Christ. Here, you will find a family of students united and striving to please Jesus Christ and impact the world around us. We are excited to welcome you and grow together in God!
4:12 Student Ministries meets on Wednesdays in the Educational Building, after Praise & Worship. On the Fourth Wednesday, we join the regular Wednesday Night Bible Study.
Youth Leaders: Kirk & Erica Teelucksingh
Contact: youth@powh.org
Join the "4:12 Student Ministries" Group on the POWH App!
Join us as we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world! We don't just talk the talk; we want a walk with God to back it up! We know that a three stranded cord is not easily broken, so we strive to be in one mind and one accord with each other and our Lord Jesus Christ. Here, you will find a family of students united and striving to please Jesus Christ and impact the world around us. We are excited to welcome you and grow together in God!
4:12 Student Ministries meets on Wednesdays in the Educational Building, after Praise & Worship. On the Fourth Wednesday, we join the regular Wednesday Night Bible Study.
Youth Leaders: Kirk & Erica Teelucksingh
Contact: youth@powh.org
Join the "4:12 Student Ministries" Group on the POWH App!