And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. (Hebrews 10:24-25)

Small Groups
There is a group for everyone with POWH Small Groups!  Groups are interest-based and open to all who can participate.  Join the POWH Family, and get involved in fellowship!

For a listing of this semester's groups, click HERE.  The current semester runs from March to May 2025.

To register to join a group, click HERE.

Small Groups Directors: Ronnie & Lisa McKeithen
Woven Ladies Ministry
The POWH Ladies Ministry welcomes all ladies!  Join us for social outings, shopping, crafts and fellowship as we seek to unite in one mind and one accord as we grow closer to God.

To see our upcoming events, visit the EVENTS page!

Ladies Ministry Leader: Stephanie Thomas

Join the "Woven Ladies Ministry" Group on the POWH App!
Brotherhood Men's Ministry
Information coming soon.
Hyphen (Ages 18-30, Unmarried)
The Hyphen Ministry is for single young adults out of high school and seeks to equip through discipleship, service opportunities, and involvement in existing ministries at POWH.  This group meets at least once a month for social and/or service outings, along with prayer and Bible study groups.

Hyphen Directors: Eric & Minerva Hernandez
Hyphen Group Leaders: Brandon Kiser & Andrea Rivera

Join the POWH Hyphen Group on the POWH App!
Limitless Singles (Ages 18+)
The Limitless Singles ministry is for unmarried adults over the age of 18.  Join us for social outings, service projects, breakout sessions and Bible studies, as we seek to grow closer to God.

Singles Director: Cynthia Simmons

Join the "Limitless Singles" Group on the POWH App!
POWH'r Couples (Marrieds)
The POWH'r Couples Ministry is for married couples of all ages.  Come and fellowship with other couples in Christ.  Together, we are stronger!

POWH'r Couples Leader: Davis & Kayla Cosmi

Join the "POWH'r Couples" Group on the POWH App!
Los Pentecostales de West Houston (Spanish Ministry)
Información próximamente.